29 Apr 2006

Share residential Wifi and get faster speed

credits: PERM ProjectWith more and more Wifi routers being used in homes everyday, increasing number of small Wifi networks are springing up all over the world. It is not unusual to get your neighbours Wifi signal and vice-versa. Now, here's a innovative project - PERM (Practical End-host collaborative Residential Multihoming framework). It lets you pool your Wifi signal with that of your neighbour and end up getting more bandwidth.

Very practical!

24 Apr 2006

Ever heard of a "quine" ?

If not - join the club. In simplest terms, a "quine" is actually a program that's output produces the exact code that it was generated from.

I know it sounds pointless. But give it a try and it might not be as trivial as you think!

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5 Apr 2006

Linux How-to: Properly removing A User

A nice how-to showing how to make absolutely sure that a user is removed from your Linux-based systems (in cases like when he leaves the job).