15 Feb 2021

Back after nearly 10 months!

I just realized it's been 10 months since my last post. And how the world has changed since (hint: pandemic). I almost even forgot I had a weblog! 

But now that I am back, I thought I'd make some quick changes to freshen up the place. Away with the ads, a fresh lick of point and a slight overhaul of the layout. Hopefully it should make the blog a bit more easier on the eyes.

Let me know what you think!

16 Apr 2020

Change the default integrated shell and chose where it opens in Visual Studio Code (VS.Code)

Here's how to change to default shell (PowerShell on Windows) to whatever else you'd like. In my example, this will be to Bash from PowerShell in a Windows environment. And while we are there, I will also show you how to get your shell to open to the current file's directory instead of the project home.

21 Feb 2017

Puppet and Puppet Culture at Github

Pretty much everyone throws around terms like DevOps these days. It's misleading to think that moving to a DevOps model can only be achieved by switching to using tools like Puppet.

But there's more to it. Here's a talk by Kevin Paulisse at PuppetConf 2016 on how Github went about from simply using Puppet in-house to developing a culture around its use.

10 Nov 2015

Uninstall your Windows software with IOBit Uninstaller

Everyone time a software needs to be uninstalled from your Windows PC, most of us simply head to that "Add/ Remove Program" or "Uninstall" icon inside Windows Control Panel. But did you know, that most times, these built-in tools do not do a good job of removing that software. These leftovers will often start building over time causing Windows to throw strange error messages, slow down or even crash. Not to mention, eat up space on your hard disk.

There is a better way to do this.

5 Nov 2015

Introduction to encryption with SSL

SSL short for "Secure Socket Layer" is a highly sophisticated piece of technology that is most commonly known for securing exchange of information between browsers and websites. The "s" at the end of the https:// prefix that all secure websites addresses start with stands for secure. That at the lock sign appearing is an indication that SSL is at work protecting your content.

https icon
The only place SSL is actually ever visible
Of course, it secures much more than just web browser sessions. It should suffice to say that this technology is a crucial part of the protective mechanism that sits under any software systems that need to speak to each other - irrespective of whether they are on the internet or not.

For those of us who are keenly interested in internet and technology, I came across a very well-written article that can serve as an excellent starting point to help one get introduced to how the concept works in a broad sense.

Read: SSL/ TLS Strong Encryption - An Introduction