However, here's a thought-provoking article on how images stored on flickr can be used to store hidden information. The technique is called steganography. In simple terms it is the science of hiding messages in such a way that only the person looking for it knows its there. An innocent looking image file, for example, could very well be hiding secret text messages. And in case of services like flickr where they are millions of images being uploaded non-stop, this might easily go unnoticed. Keith explores this possibility in an article on his blog titled "Steganography with flickr".
22 Aug 2005
Flickr and Steganography
However, here's a thought-provoking article on how images stored on flickr can be used to store hidden information. The technique is called steganography. In simple terms it is the science of hiding messages in such a way that only the person looking for it knows its there. An innocent looking image file, for example, could very well be hiding secret text messages. And in case of services like flickr where they are millions of images being uploaded non-stop, this might easily go unnoticed. Keith explores this possibility in an article on his blog titled "Steganography with flickr".